Those looking for a hotel near Chiswick High Road should consider us. Chiswick Rooms affordable accommodation in London is perfectly located in between Kings Street and Chiswick High Road.
Chiswick High Road is a lively charming street in Chiswick where you will find an array of independent and chain restaurants, shops, bars, and cafes.
Chiswick House/Gardens (where the Beatles filmed their videos for Paperback Writer and Rain) lies near Chiswick High Road. The Chiswick House hosts many events through the year. This year they are hosting their very first wedding show on Sat 22nd April.
Kew Gardens is close to Chiswick High Road. The amazing Kew Gardens is a botanical garden and houses the “largest and most diverse botanical and mycological collections in the world”.
Whilst visiting the area why not stay at the Chiswick Rooms where our friendly team will make you feel at home.